“I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things.” ~ Vincent van Gogh
Please note: I've been forced to moderate comments to discourage spam. As I live Down Under in the Southern Hemisphere, those of you Up Top might have to wait a while to see your comments appear. I may well be asleep when you read and post. Don't panic, nothing's gone wrong and you don't need to do anything – just hang on a little while.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

In Still Air

one high note

then a few more


brief piping of a recorder

in the hands of the child

across the road

suddenly stopped 

a small music

yet full of hope

Written for Friday Writings #128 at Poets and Storytellers United, where we are invited to write about something small. I decided to write mine in the small form I've been playing with lately: textu (160 characters exactly, including title and spaces).

Friday, March 1, 2024

A couple of haiku for the road

storm days –

roads impassable



still don’t see

the end of the road, but

it narrows

(Both written 25 February 2024, but posting delayed until NaHaiWriMo 2024 finished.)

Also shared at 'Haiku on the Road,' a facebook group administered by Tad Wojnicki – inspired by Jack Kerouac, and also encompassing 'the road of life.' An anthology of participants' pieces, selected by Tad, is in the works.

NAHAIWRIMO 2024 Feb 29



it’s always me 

who pops the leading  questions —

can’t bear to wait

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

NAHAIWRIMO 2024 Feb 28



I was taught:

try to put yourself

in their shoes



how they'd feel turns me
